Smart LED bus stop BSS6

B SS6 is a one color LED display which is broadly used for the bus stops of an integrated telematics system. The high brightness of B SS6 model makes the electronic part legible 24/7 under all lighting conditions. B SS6 can display, not only the time of arrival of the bus, but also any other information that is to the passengers' interest in real time. Communication with the LED display is done via GSM/GPRS, Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
B SS6 is:

  • displaying the estimated arrival time and any other message
  • user friendly for people with vision impairment and other disabilities, as it integrates audible announcement of the displayed messages with the push of a button on the metallic supporting structure.
  • environmentally friendly, as all materials used for its manufacture are recyclable.


The remote diagnostic center can detect any damage of malfunction allowing the system administrator to be aware of the operational status at any given point.


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Smart LED bus stop BSS61
Smart LED bus stop BSS62
Smart LED bus stop BSS63
Smart LED bus stop BSS64
Smart LED bus stop BSS65
Smart LED bus stop BSS66
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